Source code for circuitpython_kernel.board

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Serial Connection to a Board"""
import time
from serial import Serial
from import comports

# Vendor ID for SAMD Adafruit

# Vendor ID for Feather Huzzah ESP8266
ESP8266_VID = 0x10C4

BAUDRATE = 115200
IS_ESP = False

[docs]def find_adafruit_board(): """Find serial port where Adafruit board is connected""" # pylint: disable-msg=W0603 global IS_ESP port = None for port in comports(): print('vid: ', port.vid) if port.vid == ADAFRUIT_VID: IS_ESP = False elif port.vid == ESP8266_VID: IS_ESP = True return port.device
[docs]def connect(): """Connect to a pySerial Serial object. If you do not see the REPL hit `enter` a few times. Control-A or Home sends you to beginning of line. Control-E or End to the end of the line. SAMD21 REPL prompt is `>>>` - Press any key will enter REPL - Ctrl-D does a soft reset. ESP8266 REPL prompt is `>>>` There are four other control commands: Ctrl-A on a blank line will enter raw REPL mode. This is like a permanent paste mode, except that characters are not echoed back. Ctrl-B on a blank like goes to normal REPL mode. Ctrl-C cancels any input, or interrupts the currently running code. Ctrl-D on a blank line will do a soft reset. Note that Ctrl-A and Ctrl-D do not work with WebREPL. Returns ------- obj Serial object connected to the microcontroller board """ cpy_board = Serial(find_adafruit_board(), 115200, parity='N') time.sleep(0.5) if not cpy_board.is_open: if not IS_ESP: cpy_board.write(b'\x03\x03\x01') # ctrl+c (2x), ctrl+a cpy_board.read_until(b'raw REPL') cpy_board.read_until(b'\r\n>') # Wait for prompt else: cpy_board.write(b'\r\x03\x03') cpy_board.write(b'\r\x01') # ctrl-A: enter raw REPL cpy_board.read_until(b'raw REPL; CTRL-B to exit\r\n>') return cpy_board